Saturday, 3 April 2021

9 Unique Portrait Poses for Men

Like a lot of people I know, I'd much prefer to be behind the lens than in front of it.

There's just something about having a camera in your face that makes you immediately uncomfortable with a forced smile, awkward hands, and tight posture.

As you can imagine, that makes taking a high-quality portrait a challenge. Learn more about poses for photography on our website

portrait poses for men image

So what can you do to get better results?

In the video above, Mango Street offers nine portrait poses for guys (though they work for anyone, really) that you won't see in your Portraits for Dummies book.

Part of what makes these male poses so successful is that they are completely outside of the box - never in a million years would a model expect to be asked to pose their body in these ways.

And that uniqueness can play into your favor because if it were me being posed, I'd be thinking so hard about how to properly hold my arms and hands and legs and so forth I wouldn't have any mental energy left to worry about having my photo taken.

how to pose men for portraits image YouTube Screenshot/Mango Street

What's more, many of these photo poses have an active element to them.

If you read just about any portrait photography tutorial, it'll tell you that a surefire way to help a model relax is to give them something to do - walk around, use a prop, and so on.

On top of the fact that this video has awesome portrait photography advice, I think you'll appreciate the production value of it as well. It's just really well done (and has an awesome soundtrack!).

Be sure to check out Mango Street's YouTube channel for more helpful videos on how to pose men for portraits, and consult our article on the best photography poses for men as well!

This blog post about the topic "9 Unique Portrait Poses for Men" was first published on our website here