Drone photography is nothing new, but when I saw the video below by Reuben Wu, I was intrigued, to say the least.
I have a drone and use it all the time for still photos and videos, but never did I think to use it as a light source for nighttime photography.

I guess that's why I'm writing an article about Reuben being an innovator instead of writing an article about myself!
One of the greatest challenges of landscape photography (and any type of photography, for that matter) is finding new and interesting ways to capture the subject.
It's too easy to stand at your own eye level and take the same type of photos over and over again.
What's more difficult, though - yet much more rewarding - is to find unique ways to change things up when photographing landscapes.
Enter drones as light sources...

As you see in the video, Reuben still has to tackle landscape photography like the rest of us.
There's tons of planning and preparation, miles of walking and hiking, and hours and hours of hard work to pull off each shot.

In other words, just because he uses drones doesn't mean that creating these photos is easy.
But thank goodness he stuck with it because the results he got are breathtaking, to say the least.

I love a good landscape photo.
But I also love seeing innovative approaches to photography, and Reuben certainly fits the bill in that department.
After seeing his work, if you aren't inspired to pursue more creative ways to take landscape photos, you better check your pulse!
Via Fstoppers
This article about "This Artist's Night Landscapes are Lit By Drones - and the Results are Breathtaking" was first published on our website here https://www.photographytalk.com/landscape-photography/8801-this-artist-s-night-landscapes-are-lit-by-drones-and-the-results-are-breathtaking